Debate Tournaments
We are a competitive club, and Clash members are expected to attend at least one tournament in the Fall semester and at least two in the Winter/Spring semester. If you apply for membership, we expect you to compete. Clash competes in debate tournaments that are part of STOA, a competitive forensics league established “to inform, encourage and equip members of Christian homeschool speech and debate.” (
· $75 yearly membership fee required, payable online to STOA.
· Most tournaments require travel, housing & meal expenses, registration fees, and 1-5 days away from home.
· Most tournaments require overnight hotel accommodations. Many offer host housing as an option to reduce expenses.
· Professional business attire is required for all competitors. (i.e., a suit)
· A parent is required to attend and judge at tournaments with their debater. Training is provided.
· Non-competing siblings are welcome to attend tournaments and often do!
· Debaters who rank in the top 40% at 2 tournaments will be invited to the STOA National Invitational Tournament of Champions (NITOC).